You may need a consultation with Dr. Mahakian if...

You need to learn about the best care options for your loved one that includes memory care communities, assisted living, or home care. Learn more about local and state-wide resources.
Your family needs education and/or direction in dealing with behaviors associated with dementia.
Your family has just become involved with helping the individual and needs direction about available services.
The person you are caring for has multiple medical or psychological issues.
The person you are caring for is unable to live safely in his/her current environment and they are resistant to care.
Your family is either “burned out” or confused about care solutions.
Your family has a limited time and/or expertise in dealing with your loved ones’ chronic care needs.
Your family is at odds regarding care decisions.
The person you are caring for is not pleased with current care providers and requires advocacy.
The person you are caring for is confused about his/her own financial and/or legal situation.
Contact Dr. Jane Mahakian today at or (949) 212-4105.